Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I was made for sunny days...

      It's SO SO SO nice out today! 82 degrees and SUNNY! The perfect day to stroll around town cold tea and my ipod. Unfortunately for me, I can barely walk around the house. Monday I woke up and couldn't walk. Scariest. Thing. Ever. I thought I was crippled. I made it to the bathroom, and then crawled up the stairs to get my phone and call Jesse. We went to the ER, and they said it was a pinched sciatic nerve. Then they said the only cure is to have the baby, wrote me a prescription for vicodin, and sent me away. REALLY!? I know the ER is a busy place, and they've always got lots of people to see, but REALLY? They barely told us anything, and when I asked why they would prescribe me vicodin when I'm 31 weeks pregnant they just said, "it's safe" and to call my doctor and tell her I would be on it for a few days. Wow, thanks for not even calling my obgyn and making sure it IS safe. They didn't even ask if I had a high-risk pregnancy! Obviously I didn't take the meds, and left limping in pain. I should also mention that before I was seen by a doctor I hobbled painfully around the ER while at least 5 different nurses and staff walked by obviously noticing my condition and not asking if I needed a wheel-chair or anything for that matter. If I didn't have such a great obgyn that worked for Porter Hospital, I would most definitely transfer to Fletcher Allen.
     Phew, I'm done ranting now. Sorry for submitting you to that.
     So, I've spent the last few days hanging out around the house. Not being able to go outside for walks and fresh air has been more difficult than I thought it would be. Don't even mention not being able to clean the house from top to bottom like I usually do. Jesse's been incredible though, (as he always is) and has been such a huge help. Being told you're sexy while you limp around moaning in pain only happens when you're truly in love. Forgive me for being a total sap. Jesse's Momma got me in for some physical therapy where she works, and I couldn't be more thankful. After just one session I was walking better. I'm now a physical therapy junkie and wish I could go everyday. I'm progressively getting better, and with all the rain that's on it's way I'm sure resting around the house will get easier.

If only I could be resting and repairing here with endless books and tea:

     The good think about being laid up, is I've had nothing better to do but work on Etsy stuff. I have to say, I'd been neglecting it for a while and working on my shop again has been really refreshing. Here are some things I made today:

     So, the rest of the week is looking pretty...empty and for now, I'm okay with that. Feel free to send me awesome tutorials, lists of some good books to read, and other things to keep me busy!

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