Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Toilet babies...

     Now that we're getting down to the final countdown of this pregnancy, I've been thinking a lot about toilet babies. I'm 32 weeks now, and I'm starting to get worried she'll pop out before she's done cooking, and we won't be able to bring her home right away. That would be HORRIBLE. How would I be able to leave my baby at the hospital and go back home!? I think I would just move in until she was good to go. Anyway, the whole toilet baby thing isn't really a concern of mine, just something I've been trying to understand. If you've never seen "I didn't know I was pregnant" on TLC, here's a little snippet.

     My favorite is obviously the women who looked into the toilet and "found her little girl." When you're in labor, you feel an incredible urge to push, but I didn't think it was going to feel like taking a crap.

     Sadie's been wiggling like a mad man lately. Last night Jesse said when he felt her kick, it was the strongest yet! I'm still betting she'll be a super hero.

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